30 Years Beyond the War: Vietnamese, Southeast Asian, and Asian/American Studies

Tuesday, July 17, 201811:54 PM(View: 16135)
30 Years Beyond the War: Vietnamese, Southeast Asian, and Asian/American Studies
"30 Years Beyond the War: Vietnamese, Southeast Asian, and Asian/American Studies," a conference to be held 19 and 20 April 2005 at the University of California, Riverside.

Tentative schedule:

Wednesday, 20 April 2005

9:20-10:35am: Panel Two: New Vietnamese Religions in California and Transnational Contexts

Caodai Exile and Redemption
Janet Hoskins, Anthropology, University of Southern California

Caodai Spiritism: Teachings and Doctrine of a New Faith of Unity
Hum Dac Bui, M.D., Caodai Faith Church

Hoa Hao Buddhism: Persecution and Persistence
Mai Nguyen, Hoa Hao Buddhism

New Religious Movements from Vietnam
James Santucci, Comparative Religion, California State University, Fullerton

Discussant: Justin McDaniel, Religious Studies, UC Riverside

Here's the link for the full schedule of the conference at UCR on April 19-20, 2005: http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~fiona/conference.htm.

CaoDai Panel at the Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast 2005 Conference at Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California on June 17-2005

Panel 7 on The Goddess and the Left Eye of God: Vietnamese Mysticism comes to California
Panel Chair/Discussant: Janet Hoskins (University of Southern California)
Panel Room Location: Burkle 12

See program at the following link:

Hum Bui, (Cao Dai Faith) – “Cao Dai Spiritism: The Mother Goddess in a new Vietnamese Religion”
Janet Hoskins, (University of Southern California) – “From Kwan Yin to Joan of Arc: Iconography and Gender in Cao Dai Temples”
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