CaoDai, A Realizable Path to Light

Friday, August 28, 20203:50 PM(View: 9103)
CaoDai, A Realizable Path to Light

Husband and wife, Hum Dac Bui, M.D.
and Hong Dang Bui, M.D. escaped from
war-plagued Viet Nam in 1975 and
came to the U.S. where they began a
simultaneously transforming medical
and spiritual journey together. Hum
was a CaoDaist and Hong a Buddhist-
In the book “CaoDai, a Realizable Path
to Light”, they share their enlightened
journey from the discovery of the
inner sublime spiritual origin,
common to all of us, in the Spiritual spark that we all receive from
the Divine Spirit, to the experience of oneness with the Divine. This
evolvement occurs with a concurrent practice of the triple-fold path
of service, self-cultivation, and meditation, and inasmuch as possible,
a healthy vegetarian diet.
The book offers a comprehensive view of CaoDai, a faith of
inclusion, its founding, and theology. Eastern and Western
philosophies, as well as views on free will and determinism,
principles of oneness, love, and the Golden Rule, and tools for selfcultivation
are all explored. Notice how visible physical and mystical
spiritual elements intertwine to form the special hallmarks of this
The authors wish sincerely that the book assists the reader in the
discovery of the Spiritual inner gem and the realization of a fulfilled
secular life leading ultimately to unification with the Divine.
This book “CaoDai, a Realizable Path to Light” has something for everyone
on the Spiritual Path: History, Mystery, Interfaith Understanding, and
Truth as seen through the lens of one of the newest Faith Traditions.
Above all, it conveys that we are all Spiritual Beings endowed with a Spark
of the Divine Spirit and are destined to unify with our Divine Source. I
invite you to enjoy it, as I have.
- Rev. Jan Chase, Minister of Unity Church of Pomona, CA.

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